
35Paikea 5 Paikea In class we have been learning all about paikea. Here is one fact I learned: Paikea came to New Zealand from the Pacific Islands on the back of a whale many centuries ago.I have also been learning how to build vocabulary. For the activity we created a kite with Maori patterns on […]


We have been learning all about matariki. We also have been learning how to infer why we learn to infer because the author doesn’t explain the whale process or feelings.matariki is a special time of year because matariki was used to determine the coming season’s crop.Why is matariki on a friday well why matariki is […]

Winter sports

  Winter sports We have been learning all about winter sports. We are learning how to infer.We are learning how to infer so we can read between the lines. Why do we learn to read between the lines? well Why we learn to read between the lines is because the author doesn’t explain the whole […]


    Voyaging. We have been learning all about sea voyaging.What we have been learning in class is how to infer. We are learning how to infer so we can read between the lines. Why we are learning how to read between the lines is because the author doesn’t explain the whole process or feelings.It’s […]

Anzac Day.

    We have been learning all about Anzac day and what the soldiers do in the war soldiers will be very very tyred and buggers because they do do alot like they stay up all night trying to protect themselves We’ve also been learning how to infer. We have been learning how to infer  […]

Last wild.

Last wild. We have been learning about the last wild we also have been learning how to infer. We have been learning to infer because the author does not describe the whole process or feelings. In class our teacher has been reading a book called The last wild. We get given this task board each […]