Last wild.

Last wild.

We have been learning about the last wild we also have been learning how to infer. We have been learning to infer because the author does not describe the whole process or feelings.

In class our teacher has been reading a book called The last wild. We get given this task board each week with about 18 tasks on it. We get to choose one of those tasks to do for the week but if we finish that task we’re allowed to do another one. We were given a slide to put all our task on from each week. Here is the link to the slide with all my Tasks. We learned all about how to infer and to read between the lines,I have learnt alot about inferring and reading between the lines.

I enjoyed learning all about the red eye the most thing i enjoyed was drawing and designing the tasks i made to go onto the task boardslide of mine.What was challenging for me was putting the correct link on the slide but i didn’t stress i learnt how to do it know i Know exactly how and i help people in my class not just in my class i help everywhere but i helped people put the correct link on the correct slide or site.Next time i will change the task to something different,Learning is one of my favourite things in life.

What did you think about the tasks I did?

What did you enjoy the most about this task?

Do you think you could try this one time soon?

Well what i personally think that i enjoyed the most was writing, drawing and designing the task that i chose to do so what do you personally think that you enjoyed the most?

Here is some links to the task the first one is to the last wild task board and the second one is to the slide deck with all my task i chose to do.

Last wild task.

My last wild task I choose.

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